I recommend reading this article from the Breeze in order to fully understand my blog post. I volunteer at the SPCA about two times a week for a few hours each day. The Breeze printed an article that didn't quite sit right with me and I felt the need to comment. I left my comment on the Breeze website and felt that it should be shared here as well.

"As someone who has spent many hours at the Rockingham- Harrisonburg SPCA, I found this article heartbreaking. I’m curious if you have ever spent any time at the SPCA? As someone who gives their time to make sure these animals are taken care of and find the right home it is quite unnerving to hear my work being looked at negatively. Perhaps an article on how the SPCA works and what someone would actually find there is in order?
I came back to JMU from spring break to find many employees at the SPCA hurt and confused. I found it selfish how the SVSNC is so quick to put down the SPCA and their attempt at something good. I think both groups would want to encourage each other in their love of animals and the goal of finding new homes for these animals.
Until they have seen the hard work and love that goes into making sure everything can be done to relocate and take care of the animals brought to the SPCA, I don’t think they should be so adamant about tearing down the SPCA and their reputation. Turning animals needing homes into a competition is not at all amusing. I think the focus of the SVSNC should be more on the animals and not harming a fellow group with the same goals"