Happy As A Lark

A New Day-A New Animal


Well, first of all, what exactly is a lark? A lark is a small bird found mostly in Australia and throughout the Old World, although a small number can be found in North America. The lark found in the United States is the horned lark, which refers to the pattern on the bird’s head. The name “lark” includes about 75 different species of birds, all of them very similar. The only real variable in looks is the size and shape of the beak. It is difficult to tell the difference is some species because of such similar looks.

Larks are known to have beautiful voices that they use both as a way of asserting dominance over other males and to flirt with the ladies. These songs can be inspiring originals or imitations of up to 57 other birds. The song of the lark is mentioned in many different literatures, including more than once in the works of Shakespeare. Larks have been recorded singing a song for up to fifteen minutes straight.

Simplicity is their goal in looks. They are shades of brown and either speckled or streaked. This camouflages them quite well since they live on the ground. The males and females look very similar and it is hard to tell from just looking which is which. Some species have pink or red coloring on their chests, but the coloring is never very bright. The colors are almost muted.

They use stick and grass to create nests that lie on the ground or are hidden in low laying bushes. Scientist argue on which Family the lark should be placed under. Most scientists see the lark as more of a songbird (Passeri), while other see them in the same Family as crows (Passerida).They are five to nine inches in length. They have a long claw on the back of their foot that helps them to stand up and walk along the ground come comfortably.




crested lark Pictures, Images and Photos


With the world the way it is, everyone can benefit from learning a little bit about an animal they didn't know about before. Every day I will find a new animal that people don't know a whole lot about and just inform them a little bit more about it. Every post will have at least one picture showing what the animal looks like. I will try to include where the animal can be found and some interesting facts about them. Hopefully everything will continue to be interesting throughout my time blogging.

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